Saturday, October 31, 2009

#3 - kemkokurikulum READ AND WEEP!

Woot Woot!

Okay first of all. i have good news and bad news. so choose which you want. good or bad?
which? don't know??
useless la you people. bad first.

Bad news : SPERM BOY IS BEING CHANGED TO GAMETE BOY. happy? no? damn it. thought so too. hahahaha. but if you guys think Sperm Boy should stay, give me one reason he should in the comment section or in facebook. (Steven Razz, add me. =])

Good news : Gamete Boy is still the same asshole so don't worry, the nutsy stories will keep coming. Okay? hahaha.

Now, i just wanna say how surprised at exactly how many of you freaks actually think this blog is funny. You guys remember the O dot o? O.o fulamak. classic emot. yea i was like that la. but it was for a split second only. it wasn't permenantly stuck on my face like that. imagine if i was walking around with that look. O.o.......

Okay so today i'm gonna just release some past stories about Sper.... Gamete Boy. i must get used to calling Gamete Boy and not Sper... it's a tragedy i say. anyway, in 2003, GB was selected to join some kemkokurikulum(tongue twister!!). so apparently he was selected to represent the boy scout in his school. but one slight little problem. GB was never a scout member. never. boys brigade pun no. He was a freaking taekwondo student(it's pronounced as TEH-aKU-WON-DOpe). hello red belt-black tip you know. don't mess with him. some criminals have tasted his moves i say. okay tasted sounds very very very wrong.

Anyway, he was sent off to Pantai Merdeka, Kedah, Malaysia. you guys know where malaysia is right? good. some geography lesson. HAH, see? i can be such a good teacher. and he left with three big humongous bags of clothes, a sleeping bag, and his fat ass. yea he was very very fat in 03. like nutty professor just hitting puberty. oh crap did i say puberty?

and for 5 days and 4 nights he struggled. STRUGGLED I SAY!! I FELT HIS PAIN! and therapy never did helped. he was changed man after that. first day, he had to get into a tent with two more dudes. three to a tent. there were 60 tents. and so he went circling for one extra spot for him. none. got also they just said it's booked. assholes. and so he had no choice but to settle into one of the tents. alone. fat. and weird. O.o

First night passed.second day came and thay had to plan for entertainment night. i say, GB being prime minister of Malaysia was the best idea ever. crazy fun. he said he remembered his name was Yang Berbahagia Dato Seri Dr. Selven-keju A/L Nasi Briyani. See? what other country can have better named AND better looking prime minister? none. FUYOH!!

And so he slept through the night. but freaking early in the next morning, the sirens went off. GB just rolled and rolled around in his tent. it was raining outside. and when he finally woke up, he realized his entire tent was wet, his bags were wet, his sleeping bag was wet, his clothes were wet, his towel was wet, he was wet. okay crap. wet from the rain, not wet himself from the dreams of... never mind. And so he picked up his wet towel, wet from the rain water, and walked out of his ten. realizing how quiet it was, he encircled the compount of 60 tents. some were crippled, some were in the sea floating, literally, and all of them. were empty. what the fudge?!?!O.o

was he in a dream, he wondered? every single tent was empty. so thinking that he WAS in a dream, GB actually fell onto the drenched grass and just laid there for nearly 15 minutes. but he woke up after that thanks to some stupid red ants. EFF YOU INSECTS!! and so he decided to clean himself up la.

so as he entered the toilet. he finally saw something which made jumped and scream in joy. the feeling of euphoria was so immense that he almost peed in his pants. he. saw. people. bathing. oh shit. he was happy because he saw people, not because they were naked okay. O.o hahaha. i know you're starting to get irritated by the O.o. Nanny nanny poo poo.

Finally the truth came. he realized that it was 6 am. the sirens went off at 2 or 3am. the students were relocated to the chalets. CHALETS!! so that's why there were nobody there. it seems that the storm was mad and it was NOT SAFE to sleep under stars. but did anyone bother to tell GB? did anyone bother to wake GB up? did anyone bother to save GB? No, no and hell no. see how selfish malaysian kids can get? eh, eh. give me back my pencil. sound familiar??

Pity. well what happened next? did he continue to be the lone survivor in the storm through the rest of the nights? did he do any shit fuck stuff which deserves to be honoured for all wackos?? you wonder you say. well wonder on until the next episode of...... GAMETE BOY!!!!

I love you!
Long live Sper... Gamete Boy. Damnit.
With Mucho of love-o from Razz.

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