Wednesday, September 16, 2009

KuchiBaba : Rise Of The Sperm

Woot Woot!

What is the up?
Okay okay, for those who might have known about it very well, Sperm Boy is actually a pretty busy dude. His alter ego is a student in a pretty weird yet stable school. Some know it...


You pronounce the shitay-tua in like a french accent. shitay-tua. Hahaha. awesome word there. Now this bloggyfied piece of shitay-tua is dedicated to the ups and downs of Sperm Boy. He's hoping that his vigilante life will be turned into a comic book or a movie. at least a cartoon series la. Bad idea though. imagine kids running around in sperm suits shooting white strands from their.... well you know!!! it was built into the suit for the kids to have fun. =]

Thus... Before Sperm Boy shoots off to save and wet our pityful yet horny world. let us have a moment of silence for Lady Ova who was killed in action while battling the evil, chinese speaking restaurant owner, Men-Yo-Pause.

We Love You LADY OVA!!

Peace From:
Steven Razz a.k.a. Sperm Boy

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